Score Updates Just In!!!!!

Everyone is dying to know the scores so far, so here they go!

One Packman is present... but where is the other one?

One Packman is present… but where is the other one?

The race is tight, everyone is on their best behaviour, but one team is well in the lead. So far, only Team Packman and We Don’t Give A Tuk have gotten extra points for their costumes and challenges have been successfully completed by most members of the Fantastic Five. But what are the ranks right now? Time to see…

1. Packman – 3,375 points

2. Wicked Vikings and Screw Loose Racing – 2,575 points

3. We Don’t Give A Tuk – 2,500 points

4. KAMERAKI – 1,800 points


Congratulations to all, and don’t forget: the race is still on, so time to be on your absolute A-game! Good luck 🙂


Beauties in a line

Beauties in a line

Want more info on what is currently going down? Check out The 2015 Deccan Odyssey Rickshaw Challenge